
Pilates for life: One never gets bored

By March 19, 2019 No Comments
I was introduced to Millie Dobie by a physiotherapist who had been treating my very troublesome back and I have been very thankful for this for the last twenty years.   Millie with her Pilates exercises has really kept me mobile and able to travel and live a normal life, including operations for two new knees with excellent results.   Millie has given me different exercises so one never gets bored and of course keeps all the muscles going, though I have been good and kept the exercises going the rest of the week, not virtue just thoughts of a wheelchair.   She is always cheerful and never cross just rather sad and disappointed if you didn’t keep them up and I always felt far more cheerful after my classes.   Now thanks to illness and age (almost 90) I’ve had to give them up and I have found that tiresome saying ‘Use it or loose it’ ringing only too true.

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