
Aerial Yoga Workshops

By November 14, 2018 2 Comments

I have wanted to bring Aerial Yoga to the studio for a while now and I am delighted to finally be able to release a date of when the first workshops will be.  It’s been a long time coming as the research, training, ordering the swings and then finally the practicalities of attaching the swings into the dance studio have all been time consuming activities.

Aerial Yoga will give you a new found way to explore the capabilities of your body and mind in a weightless, free-hanging environment.  It has all the benefits you get from your Pilates and Yoga practice already, all rolled into one, with a greatly reduced stress on joints, bones and muscles.

Aerial Yoga will be in two hourly workshops starting from 6th January, 2019.  There are 13 spaces available.

Sunday, 6th Jan:  Introduction to Aerial Yoga.  1pm-3pm. £25

Sunday, 10th Feb:  Aerial Yoga for Stress.  1pm-3pm. £25

Sunday, 10th March:  Aerial Yoga Inversions.  1pm-3pm. £25

All workshops will be in The Dance Studio.  The Cut, Halesworth

Introduction to Aerial Yoga

This class will be suitable for beginners and will cover a basic variety of moves. It’s your chance to discover how moving in the swing feels, and try out yoga poses that you are probably more used to at ground level.

Aerial Yoga for Stress

This workshop will be a slow moving, deep breathing, stress reducing indulgence.  The swing is a perfect place to hang out and let all the stresses of the body and mind ebb away.  Expect gentle poses that make you smile and relax.

Aerial Yoga Inversions

This is what you’ve all been waiting for, a chance to explore your ground inversions in the safety and free hanging environment of the swing.  Don’t be fooled that the swing will do all the work, though.  You’ll need a good level of core strength an understanding of inversions for this workshop.  You must bring your focus and concentration that you know from your Pilates or Yoga practice to be able to achieve great things in this workshop.

Booking available through the website.

Email millie@milliedobiefitness.co.uk for further information.

Come and enjoy the weightless experience where you’ll be massaged by the swing into a lovely new, invigorating, relaxing and energising practice.

Join the discussion 2 Comments


    Hi Millie…

    Just wondering if you have any availability for Sunday Jan 6th 1-3pm

    1 or 2 places??

    Kind regards


    • Miri Birch says:

      Hi Corrine, thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately that one proved very popular and is sold out. The 10th March Inversions yoga is the only one still with spaces.
      I am looking into adding more Introduction to Aerial Yoga workshops soon.
      Many thanks

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